Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dr Murks makes Fish-Face

People are violating on the streets. It newer happens in Estonia that people are violating on the streets. But it still happened or is happening. Did not see them. Saw only on TV, newspapers, heard from radio. People just braking the display windows of shops, entering and taking all the stuff they can carry. A man with wide smile holding lemonade, chocolate and hygienic bandages or young couple from flower shop holding bouquets on their hands. Haa, what makes him to do so? It is the silliest thing ever - just to rob for robbing. Some kind of protest against consumption, against capitalism... NO, the original reason is different.
They say it is the statue in the city center that symbolizes the end of the Second World War, remembers the soldiers died in the War, remembers the soldiers fighting against fascism, symbolizes the defeat of fascism, symbolizes the victory of communism, the victory of Soviet Union, the start of Soviet occupation in Estonia... So, for Estonians it was the end of one bad and start of another. The anger towards Soviet Union is deeply rooted in Estonians, our grandparents, politicians, authorities, cultural heads were killed or deported to Siberia; our farms, animals, homes were taken from us and they were made to nobodies; all public newspapers, books were deeply controlled and censored before published...
I remember an issue of children magazine that was collected from the stores because they managed to publish a poetry about a badger whose home was taken violently by raccoon dog and as referee was one slow and lazy bear the badger could not get the home back . It was just a funny children poetry - why the kids could not read it? - but as it so clearly described the Soviet OCCUPATION in Estonia the issue was quickly removed by... (knowingly by who)

Dr Murks is making Fish-Face. Dr Murks was for the weekend in Southern Estonia having an international seminar on "Creativity in Global Action". Meaning how to become a good Global Citizen, how to make other people aware of the fact that we all live in the one World and depend highly on each other. There were people from Latin-America, Southern Europe and Baltic States. In a simulation game of spreading the money and power around the world a Spanish girl almost started to cry explaining that the money is not the most important. At the same time nobody was really eager to talk about the issue just happening in Estonia. Everybody was just talking so broadly and unrealistic about the problems in the global world and about the activities we can do to make situation better. Once we brought it up there were few questions and after 5 minutes the people were happily dancing Catalonia dances. Dr Murks felt the atmosphere really weird. At one point Dr Murks was talking about it to a Belgian girl lived in Estonia already 2 years and she said quite wisely: "People here do not see how worried you are, how much it hurts you or what it means to you. You are also taking part all the activities and not discussing or talking about it. If you would cry in the corner everybody would come to ask and would like to know more and understand more. Nobody sees your concern course you are happy and smiling and making jokes all the time." True. It is so hard to explain something that is so obvious to one, at the same time explaining ones reasons, discussing and finding solutions together is the most important thing in every kind of good relations. Fish-Face with no emotions, no explanations brings no understanding.


Anonymous said...

come on, murks, don't make fish face! wasn't it you who complained about isolatedness and indifference of estonian delegation in riga?

i couldn't work the whole week-end because of the things (well, i was in tallinn as well)

Murks said...

Yee, but sometimes it is really difficult to understand what other people do not understand if you understand... It seems like a heavy rain of miscommunication and no willingness to listen, hear and explain - not only on me but on anybody here in this side of the world. Do not know who to blame or is there anybody to glory.
Praying that it would solve peacefully and sensibly. Specially for you, Sveeta.