Sunday, March 25, 2007

Dr Murks on a way

..hitchhiking to the South. Yesterdays rehearsal - hitchhiking to the North was a total disaster (after 2,5h by the road waving to all passersby) in terms of hitching a lift. But at the same time - nice weather, nice company by Kusta, nice songs on the tongue and - the most important - nice friends coming to pick us up in the end taking to the destination. The way to the South will be more easy because Dr Murks long experiences show that the paradigm of induction is not proper for the good luck in hitchhiking - there are too many totally different examples.
Anyway, the weather seems to be great either for sitting hours by the road or making drivers happy to take you on. So, Dr Murks and Ms Tiu are soon on a way to:


Sveta said...

oho! kas kauaks? ja mis te seal teete? edu!

Murks said...

Näe, olengi juba tagasi. Põhiliseks eesmärgiks oli lahti mõtestada sõna "maailmaharidus" ning kuidas igaüks meist selles osaleda saab/peab.